Never buy what they ask for
For weeks now I have been plagued by punters that all seem to want dressing gowns.
Finally concerned with all of these potential sales that I must be missing I went out of my way and brought some in.
I thought great I’m going to smash it.
Sure enough, the usual mob turned up with the same question:
“Got any dressing gowns?”
“Yes”, was my triumphant reply pointing to the massive pile of newly acquired gear.
Every response was the same:
“Oh” and then
“Have you got any cotton ones?” Or
“Do you have them with a tiger on?” Or
“Have you got any blue spotted ones, with an Arsenal badge on the front?”
The truth is they don’t just want any dressing gowns, they want the one that they once saw in Marks and Spenser.
And they want it for a quid.
There was one lady who asked for exactly what I had in stock and when I showed her what she had asked for her response was,
“Are you hear next week?”
I replied, “I’m here every week love, I’m here every week, have been for twenty-five years”.
That’s when she uttered the immortal line
“I’ll tell her”, referring to some mythical woman that she pretended to be shopping for and walked off.
Back to the basics for me then.
That’s this week’s report from Pete the Market trader. The man on the street. Literally.